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Technological advancements are making a significant impact on reaching ESG targets across the real estate and construction industries, as the appetite and social drive for a greener future gains momentum. With buildings across the European Union (EU) responsible for 40% of EU energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy efficiency across real estate must be a key priority.

Energy efficiency and energy performance directives coming into force across EU and globally are driving the pace of change faster than ever before, as we see an increasing sense of urgency to improve the built environment and forge a positive future for our communities. The latest update to of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) aims to achieve zero emissions and a fully decarbonised stock by 2050. Global developments have also seen the United Nations outlining 17 sustainable development goals in the UN 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development.

What we are also witnessing is that the quickest changes happening are with developers and investors responding to market and occupier expectations, and societal demands. The real estate and corporate sectors have made similar net zero commitments, so there is mutual interest in making changes.

Advancements in technology are making a significant impact on reaching ESG targets and the measurability of performance, providing benefits in tracking data, reducing energy use, emissions, and automatic reporting that are helping to move the dial. How the data is translated and used to implement improvements is an area that also requires focus.

Increased collaboration between building owners and occupiers will help to drive changes even further, unlocking the potential for sustainable buildings and economically beneficial partnerships through solar and renewable energies. This trend is scalable and holds exciting opportunities that address ecobalance and impact on climate change.

The implementation of future proof ESG strategies will raise the profile and offer a competitive advantage to the businesses that put them into action. Investors are continuing to prioritise sustainable projects, aligning portfolios with current ESG principles and enhancing resilience amid emerging changes to regulations, which can help establish their status as leading the fight to a greener and more sustainable future. We are proud to be involved with the Global ESG Awards, which shines a light on the innovative applications and solutions in PropTech, CleanTech and ConTech. We look forward to seeing the impact they will have on construction and real estate in the future.